Thursday, 24 April 2008

Ajax Error in Visual Studio 2008

Sometimes if we try to deploy an existing .NET ASP.NET 2.0 application which includes Ajax 1.0 library using Visual Studio 2005 we get following error

Could not load file or assembly ‘System.Web.Extensions, Version=, ….

If you are using Ajax Famework Library, Visual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 installed in the same machine there are somethings you should be aware of.

Microsoft suggests that after the VS 2008 Beta 2 installation has finished, you should run this script to ensure that the installation of .NET Framework 3.5 Beta 2 will not affect the development of ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 applications.

If you want to target the AJAX 1.0 in Visual Studio 2008, check out this post Targeting AJAX 1.0 in VS 2008


Saturday, 19 April 2008

Six Quick Crystal Reports Design Tips

Creating reports can be a daunting task. Reports can demand a great deal of effort and time, especially if you have not worked with Crystal Reports much. In this article, Jeff provides six quick Crystal Reports Design Tips to assist in creating killer reports with style and speed. Among other tips, you will learn how to add WaterMarks to your reports. Each tip has been deeply examined with the help of relevant explanations and screenshots for better understanding.

Article Contents:

by Jeff McWherter

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Disable right mouse click, Disable Browser Back Button

Sometime our application demands to change some of the normal workflow of the Browsers. Here are the few tweaks in programming which may help you to do that.

Do not allow user to view page using browser back button.

<%Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.NoCache); %>

Disable Right Click

This is a cross browser DHTML script that will prevent the default right menu from popping up when the right mouse is clicked on the web page. Use it to stop surfers from easily saving your web page, viewing its source, or lifting images off your site when using either IE 4+ or NS 4+.

<script language=JavaScript>

var message="Function Disabled!";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layersdocument.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->


Dotnet 2.x Debugging Links

Lots of successful programming depends on how Good you are in debugging, everyone of us tends to make mistake while programming but if you are good in debugging then you can save lots of your precious time and frustrations. I found couple of good links which gives you very good understanding in debugging in .net technologies.

Links related to debugging/viewing  ViewState

Bringing ViewState into the Light

Mole v4.2 - Visualizer With Property Editing,

Mole For Visual Studio - Visualizer For All Project Types

Related: ViewState property code snippet

I hope this will help you, if also know some good sites then do share with me here in comments.

Thursday, 3 April 2008