Wednesday 23 January 2013

AngularJS 1.0.4 bewildering-hair and 1.1.2 tofu-animation released!

What's new in these releases? Primarily doc improvements and bugfixes, including a fix in both 1.0.4 and 1.1.2 for a memory leak when ngSwitch was used inside a transcluded directive under certain conditions (see change notes a26234f7).

The unstable branch 1.1.2 tofu-animation includes all the bug fixes from 1.0.4 bewildering-hair, plus some new features to try out in your code.

For full details in both these releases, see the changelog.

Thanks to the community contributors responsible for the PRs in these releases: Pete Bacon Darwin, Stephane Bisson, Matthew Browne, Jonathan Card, Pascal Corpet, Murilo da Silva, Pedro Del Gallego, Peter Evjan, John Fletcher, Lucas Galfasó, pavelgj, ggoodman, Johannes Hansen, Matt Hardy, Gergely Imreh, Sudhir Jonathan, Pawel Kozlowski, nlaplante, Kanwei Li, kim lokoy, Luis Ramón López, Will Moore, Mark Nadig, Romain Neutron, _pants, sergiopantoja, petrovalex, Martin Probst, Shai Reznik, Matt Rohrer, Per Rovegård, Gonzalo Ruiz de Villa, János Rusiczki, danilsomsikov, Juha Syrjälä, Jeremy Tymes, Keyamoon


1.0.4 bewildering-hair (stable branch)

Google CDN
Complete Changelog

1.1.2 tofu-animation (unstable branch)

Complete Changelog

Monday 21 January 2013

Login with Microsoft Live OAuth Connect

Few months back Microsoft has launched OAuth system for client websites, using this you can get the valid user details from Hotmail and Outlook database. Earlier I had published Facebook, Google and Twitter OAuth login systems, now this post explains you how to implement Microsoft Live OAuth connect using PHP. Sure this helps your web project to avoid registration email activation.

Login with Microsoft Live OAuth Connect

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Monday 14 January 2013

HTML5 Input Types for Mobile.

If you are working with mobile web applications, then you must adapt new HTML5 components. This post explains you how to implement new HTML5 input types while creating forms in mobile web projects. Take a look at these screen shots of the new input types in browsers that support in iPhone. and iPad.

Responsive Web Design using CSS3

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Thursday 10 January 2013

AngularJS-MTV Hack Night Recap and DIY Tips

For our first California meetup of the year, we thought we'd try something different and host a Hack Night.

Presentation style meetups are great for a deep dive into a single topic, but it can be hard for people to get to know each other or dive into a thorny problem during a short Q&A. We wanted to try a less structured format, where people could just bring a project to work on and get some help from each other and from our experts. If you have an active local developer community with a few willing experts, you might try a Hack Night as an alternate format for your next meetup.

Check out the photos from the event to get a feel for what it was like to be there.

We had a wide range of projects: mobile feature development, multi-user gaming, simple apps and complex ones. One team gave us a super cool demo of a new project about to launch, all based in Angular. We're sworn to secrecy, but we can't wait to share their blog post with you.

Some other projects from around the room included:
  • Christie worked on an implementation of long click for a mobile HTML5 app
  • Greg Weber, who spoke at the November meetup, updated his statechart library with AngularJS routing.
  • Sean from the iUI web framework project wanted to work on integrating iUI with Angular.js. He came with some philosophical questions around the best way to support the $injector service.
  • Dean Sofer and the AngularUI folks answered a ton of questions and worked on merging some of their outstanding pull requests.
  • Dan Doyon and David Nelson worked together to get an infinite scroller working in an existing app.
  • Tom worked on a mobile app to help language learners build vocabulary.
  • A custom directive for the Aloha Editor
  • A charity funding application
  • Several projects doing Angular/MongoDB integration.
All in all, it was an interesting change of pace from our usual routine. It was inspiring to walk around the room at the end and see what people had built in a short time. I'm really looking forward to seeing how the community develops at the next one.

DIY Hack Night Tips

If you're planning a Hack Night of your own, here are some additional resources and tips:
  • It's useful to have few experts on hand who can focus on interacting with people and helping with questions. 
  • We asked people to tell us what they were working on before adding them to the event list. We then posted the answers on the wall at the meetup to help people get to know each other.
  • You can order AngularJS T-shirts and stickers from the same suppliers we use. Or download our creative commons licensed logo art and make your own. Check out the FAQ doc on for details. 
  • We've recently started a discussion label for "Hosting an Event" under our AngularJS Community on Google+ with tips for event organizers.
  • Announce your Hack Night on the wiki Events page and share it with us on Google+ so that we can help you spread the word! Two of our attendees from Austin, TX just happened to be in town for business and were able to join at the last minute.

Monday 7 January 2013

MongoDB PHP Tutorial

Now time to work with MongoDB NoSQL database management systems, it stores data into structured JSON like documents with dynamic schemas and improves application performance. This tutorial helps you how to create a simple login page using PHP and MongoDB. Try this download script and implement scalable application.

MongoDB PHP Tutorial

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