Saturday, 1 November 2008

TwoSelect User Control, Moving Items between ListBox Controls - Part 2

As I promised in this post I am showing you how to implement TwoSelect Control, which I created in my Previous Post

You can download the Complete Source with implementation from here

In this post to get the Available Users and Added Users I am fetching from DataBase using LINQ to SQL, but you can also use either sql or Stored Procedure as per your convenience.

So the first step in Consuming this control in our code is by Creating the Tables, whose structure will look something like this


In the User Table I have stored all the User Information, in Group Table I have stored all the Group Details and in UserGroup Table I have related the User and Groups.

In the current project I have not given any screen to enter the User Details or Group Details, as this was out of scope of the current topics, so you can insert the User and Group directly in the Database Tables.

Secondly, Now coming to .NET Code, first I have created a LINQ to SQL and named this as UserGroupData.dbml, and added all the three tables into the designer.

After this I have added the Class to Handle the Data from LINQ to SQL and pass the data to Presentation Layer.


In the below given code snippet I am Retrieving all the User who is already present in the Group, this function accepts the groupId as input parameter and return IDataReader to the Presentation Layer, so that we can pass the DataReader directly to the DataSourceAdded Property of the TwoSelect Control and Bind the Data to the Added Users ListBox.

Code Snippet

1:   /// <summary>
2:  /// Gets the group user.
3:  /// </summary>
4:  /// <param name="groupId">The group id.</param>
5:  /// <returns>IDataReader</returns>
6:  public IDataReader GetGroupUser(int groupId)
7:   {
8:   UserGroupDataDataContext data = new UserGroupDataDataContext();
9:   var user = from Grp in data.Groups
10:   join UsrGrp in data.UserGroups on Grp.GroupId equals UsrGrp.GroupId
11:   join Usr in data.Users on UsrGrp.UserId equals Usr.UserId
12:   where Grp.GroupId == groupId
13:   orderby Usr.UserId
14:   select new
15:  {
16:   UserName = Usr.UserName,
17:   GroupName = Grp.GroupName,
18:   UserId = Usr.UserId
19:   };
20:   IDbCommand command = data.GetCommand(user);
21:   command.Connection = data.Connection;
22:   if(command.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
23:   command.Connection.Open();
24:   IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
25:   return reader;
26:   }


In the below given code snippet I am Retriving all the User who not present in the Group, this function accepts the groupId as input parameter and return IDataReader to the Presentation Layer, so that we can pass the DataReader directly to the DataSourceAvailable Property of the TwoSelect Control and Bind the Data to the Available Users ListBox.

Code Snippet

1:   /// <summary>
2:  /// Users not in the selected group.
3:  /// </summary>
4:  /// <param name="groupId">The group id.</param>
5:  /// <returns>IDataReader</returns>
6:  public IDataReader UserNotInGroup(int groupId)
7:   {
8:   UserGroupDataDataContext data = new UserGroupDataDataContext();
9:   var user = from Grp in data.Groups
10:   join UsrGrp in data.UserGroups on Grp.GroupId equals UsrGrp.GroupId
11:   join Usr in data.Users on UsrGrp.UserId equals Usr.UserId
12:   where Grp.GroupId != groupId
13:   orderby Usr.UserId
14:   select new
15:  {
16:   UserName = Usr.UserName,
17:   GroupName = Grp.GroupName,
18:   UserId = Usr.UserId
19:   };
20:   IDbCommand command = data.GetCommand(user);
21:   command.Connection = data.Connection;
22:   if(command.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
23:   command.Connection.Open();
24:   IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
25:   return reader;
26:   }


The function below will get all the Group names and Bind the Group DropDown, to display all the Groups so that we can select the Groups whose user I want to manage.

Code Snippet

1:   /// <summary>
2:  /// Gets all group.
3:  /// </summary>
4:  /// <returns>IDataReader</returns>
5:  public IDataReader GetAllGroup()
6:   {
7:   UserGroupDataDataContext data = new UserGroupDataDataContext();
8:   var groups = from Grp in data.Groups
9:   orderby Grp.GroupName
10:   select new
11:   {
12:   GroupId = Grp.GroupId,
13:   GroupName = Grp.GroupName
14:   };
15:   IDbCommand command = data.GetCommand(groups);
16:   command.Connection = data.Connection;
17:   if (command.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
18:   command.Connection.Open();
19:   IDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);

20:   return reader;
21:   }


This function will update the DataBase once we have selected the Users in a particular Group.

Code Snippet

1:   /// <summary>
2:  /// Saves the group user.
3:  /// </summary>
4:  /// <param name="group">The group.</param>
5:  public void SaveGroupUser(List<UserGroup> usrGroup)
6:   {
7:   UserGroupDataDataContext data = new UserGroupDataDataContext();

8:   //first delete all the existing user data from User Group
9:  foreach (UserGroup match in usrGroup)
10:   {
11:   var deleteUserGroup = from userGroups in data.UserGroups
12:   where userGroups.UserId == match.UserId
13:   select userGroups;
14:   foreach (var userGroup in deleteUserGroup)
15:   data.UserGroups.DeleteOnSubmit(userGroup);

16:   data.SubmitChanges();
17:   }

18:   //MISSING : Logic to implement Save new Data related to User and Group
20:   }


The same things you can do without using the LINQ to SQL either by writing the Stored Procedure or using the SQL Queries.

I am giving below the sample stored procedure which can replace the function GetGroupUser and GetUserNoInGroup

  • GetGroupUser


   2:  GO


   4:  GO

   5:  CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetGroupUser]


   7:      (

   8:      @GroupId int

   9:      )


  11:  AS

  12:      SET NOCOUNT ON 


  14:      SELECT 

  15:          Usr.UserName, 

  16:          Grp.GroupName,

  17:          Usr.UserId 

  18:      From  

  19:          GROUPS Grp

  20:      INNER JOIN 

  21:          UserGroup UsrGrp

  22:      ON 

  23:          Grp.GroupId = UsrGrp.GroupId

  24:      INNER JOIN USERS Usr ON

  25:          UsrGrp.UserId = Usr.UserId

  26:      WHERE 

  27:          Grp.GroupId=@GroupId

  28:      ORDER BY Usr.UserId


  30:      RETURN


  • GetUserNotInGroup


   2:  GO


   4:  GO

   5:  ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[UserNotInGroup]


   7:      (

   8:      @GroupId int

   9:      )


  11:  AS

  12:      SET NOCOUNT ON

  13:      SELECT 

  14:          Usr.UserName,

  15:          Usr.UserId, 

  16:          Grp.GroupName 

  17:      From  

  18:          GROUPS Grp

  19:      INNER JOIN 

  20:          UserGroup UsrGrp

  21:      ON 

  22:          Grp.GroupId = UsrGrp.GroupId

  23:      INNER JOIN USERS Usr ON

  24:          UsrGrp.UserId = Usr.UserId

  25:      WHERE 

  26:          Grp.GroupId!=@GroupId

  27:      ORDER BY Usr.UserId


  29:      RETURN



Third, I have included the UserControl in my Project, and added in Default.asp page simply by Drag and Drop.

Also I have added one DropDown Control to get the List of all the Groups and Added a Save Button to Save the Changes back to the database.

After designing the Page will look something similar to this




Now in Code Behind I tried to implement only the logic which is related to the TwoSelect User controls,

Code Snippet

1:   public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
2:  {
3:   UserData data = new UserData();

4:   private int GetGroupId
5:   {
6:   get { return Convert.ToInt32(ddlGroup.SelectedValue); }
7:   }
8:   /// <summary>
9:  /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
10:  /// </summary>
11:  /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
12:  /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
13:  protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
14:   {
15:   if (!IsPostBack)
16:   {
17:   ddlGroup.DataSource = data.GetAllGroup();
18:   ddlGroup.DataTextField = "GroupName";
19:   ddlGroup.DataValueField = "GroupId";
20:   ddlGroup.DataBind();
21:   ListItem item = new ListItem();
22:   item.Text = "Please Select";
23:   item.Value = "0";
24:   ddlGroup.Items.Insert(0,item);
25:   }
26:   }

27:   protected void ddlGroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
28:   {
29:   //Bind the User Control Available List Box
30:  uclTwoSelect.DataSourceAvailable = data.GetGroupUser(this.GetGroupId);
31:   uclTwoSelect.DataTextFieldAvailable = "UserName";
32:   uclTwoSelect.DataValueFieldAvailable = "UserId";

33:   //Bind the User Control User Already Added List Box
34:  uclTwoSelect.DataSourceAdded = data.UserNotInGroup(this.GetGroupId);
35:   uclTwoSelect.DataTextFieldAdded = "UserName";
36:   uclTwoSelect.DataValueFieldAdded = "UserId";

37:   uclTwoSelect.BindControl();
38:   }

39:   /// <summary>
40:  /// Saves the User associated with the Groups.
41:  /// </summary>
42:  /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
43:  /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
44:  protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
45:   {
46:   UserGroup user = new UserGroup();
47:   List<UserGroup> group = new List<UserGroup>();
48:   ListItemCollection userGroup = uclTwoSelect.AddedItems;
49:   foreach (ListItem item in userGroup)
50:   {
51:   user.GroupId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlGroup.SelectedValue);
52:   user.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(item.Value);

53:   group.Add(user);
54:   }

55:   data.SaveGroupUser(group);
56:   }
57:   }

You can see in the code above I am binding the DropDown List of the Group and on SelectedIndexChanged even of the DropDown I am Binding the twoSelect Controls Data, with the DataSourceAvailable and DataSourceAdded Properties.

Sorry for the Code Formatting Guys, but you can always refer my weblog for my neat and clear code formatting.

This is just the one of the implementation you can download the Control and its implementation code from here and Enhance the Control.





Brij Mohan



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