Sunday, 30 December 2012

Responsive Web Design for Menu, Image and Advertisements

This post is the continuation of my previous Responsive Web Design using CSS3. I had explained how to design a basic responsive web page using CSS3 and Modernizr for lower version browsers. In this post we want to explain how to design responsive collapsed navigation menu, images and advertisements grids for different media devices.

Responsive Web Design using CSS3
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Saturday, 15 December 2012

App Fabric Cache Configuration Scripts

1. Script to Update the Max Buffer Size of AppFabric Cache

AppFabric Cache has a default max buffer size of 8MB. There are certain scenario where we may need this to modify to satisfy our requirements Find below the script to configure the AppFabric Cache Buffer Size. Script below can be used to increase or decrease this preconfigured size.

#Command Line powershell ./UpdateAppFabricCacheBufferSize.ps1 15000000 

#Manual Step before we run any script on Poweshell : Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted



Import-Module DistributedCacheAdministration, DistributedCacheConfiguration   

Function UpdateBufferSizeInConfig ([string]$configFilename, [int]$maxBufferSize) 


    $xml = New-Object XML     


    $transportProperties = $xml.configuration.dataCache.advancedProperties.transportProperties     

    if ($transportProperties -eq $NULL) 


        $transportProperties = $xml.CreateElement("transportProperties")     


    $transportProperties.SetAttribute("maxBufferSize", "$maxBufferSize")     




$tempConfigLocation = "c:\config.xml"  


Export-CacheClusterConfig -File $tempConfigLocation  

UpdateBufferSizeInConfig $tempConfigLocation $maxBufferSize  


Import-CacheClusterConfig -File $tempConfigLocation -Force


2. Script to configure the Named Cache and than Add Users in allowed client account list.


#To add a name cahce and windows account to the Cluster.


function CreateNewCache([string]$NewCacheName)


    New-Cache -CacheName $NewCacheName -Secondaries 1 -Force

    write-host "Name Cache $NewCacheName is created" -foregroundcolor green

    write-host "The cache config info :" -foregroundcolor green

    Get-CacheConfig $NewCacheName



function AddUser([string]$DomainnameUsername)


    Grant-CacheAllowedClientAccount -Account "$DomainnameUsername"

    write-host "$DomainnameUsername is added" -foregroundcolor green

    write-host "The list of AllowedClientAccounts below:" -foregroundcolor green




Write-host "Number of Arguments :" $args.Length;

if($args.Length -gt 1)






if($args.Length -eq 1)


    if($args[0] -like "*\*")













Both the scripts provided above are very simple to understand and use through poweshell command line, and used for very specific operation. You can enhance these scripts to even configure advanced settings of Windows AppFabric.


Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Responsive Web Design using CSS3

Smartphone revolution brings new features to the web development, it is time to change your website design into a responsive design instead of maintaining a separate mobile version . Responsive design will automatically adjust itself based on the screen size of the media devices. This post explain you how to use CSS 3 @media property and working with Internet Explorer using Modernizr.

Responsive Web Design using CSS3
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Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Jquery Photo Zoom Plugin

Introducing a new jQuery PhotoZoom plugin, it helps you to view bigger images on mouse over component, this is very useful for media related web applications. You can customize the PhotoZoom container based on your web page design. Very easy to implement just include the plugin using script tag and give required selector, take a look this live demo.
Jquery Photo Zoom Plugin
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Wednesday, 28 November 2012

AngularJS 1.0.3 bouncy-thunder and 1.1.1 pathological-kerning released!

What's new in these releases? A number of bugfixes, improvements to the docs, and a little refactoring to make debugging and profiling easier. In 1.1.1 pathological-kerning you'll find all the bug fixes from 1.0.3 bouncy-thunder, plus some new features to try out in your code. Most notably, in version 1.1.1 we've added the frequently requested FormController.$setpristine method, which resets a form's pristine state so that the form can be reused after submission.

For full details in both these releases, see the changelog.

Thanks to the community contributors responsible for many PRs in these releases: Josh Adams, Wes Alvaro, Godmar Back, Xiangru Chen, Dave Clayton, Jamison Dance, Tom Davis, Pedro Del Gallego, Zach Dexter, Haralan Dobrev, Benjamín Eidelman, Brian Ford, Iwein Fuld, Adrian Gheorghe, Uri Goldshtein, Kai Groner, Tom Hughes, John Hume, Iristyle, Kris Jenkins, Sudhir Jonathan, Rado Kirov, Pawel Kozlowski, Daniel Luz, Adam Macejak, Tim Macfarlane, Max Martinsson, Stein Jakob Nordbø, petrovalex, Gregory Pike, Fred Sauer, Shyam Seshadri, sgtpep, Braden Shepherdson, Dean Sofer, JP Sugarbroad, sqwishy trick, Jeremy Tymes, Anna Vester, Christian Vuerings, Kevin Western, Cameron Westland, Jonathan Zacsh, Jay Zeng, Zhenbo Zhang, Jimmy Zhuo.

In particular, thanks to Pawel Kozlowski and Peter Bacon Darwin for joining us as committers on AngularJS to help manage the pull requests for these and future releases.


1.0.3 bouncy-thunder (stable branch)

1.1.1 pathological-kerning (unstable branch)


About those directives

Turns out we forgot to publish September's meetup videos from the Mountain View meetup.  Yikes!  Well, better late than never.

Actually, this is some of our best content to date.  For the first time, MiÅ¡ko Hevery demystifies AngularJS Directives.  If you've struggled with some of the concepts and reasons behind writing directives, this one is for you.


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

My Top 8 picks for Microsoft.NET Architects (ASP.NET MVC)

Past few month was very hectic for me, now since I have some time for myself I am sharing the list of articles which I am going through, these articles are basically related to architecting .NET application using ASP.NET MVC. I hope you will find these links useful for you too.

  1. Of course not to mention GoF Design Pattern Tutorial:
  2. On the same line as above, this link elaborates the patterns by GoF as Illustrated GOF Design Patterns in C# Part I: Creational: (Series Article)
  3. A N-Tier Architecture Sample with ASP.NET MVC3, WCF, and Entity Framework :
  4. Design pattern – Inversion of control and Dependency injection by By Shivprasad Koirala:
  5. LINQ and WF Based Custom Profile Provider for ASP.NET 3.5, this article demonstrates Microsoft Provider Pattern using Workflow Foundation:
  6. patterns & practices Application Architecture Guide 2.0, Microsoft Link from where you can download free eBook, Microsoft Application Architecture Guide – by J.D. Meier, Alex Homer, David Hill, Jason Taylor, Prashant Bansode, Lonnie Wall, Rob Boucher Jr, Akshay Bogawat : or direct Link to download the eBook: Download the final release in PDF on MSDN, either you can download the pdf from this link or you can read the same book online at the link:
  7. Architecture Guide: ASP.NET MVC Framework + N-tier + Entity Framework and Many More :
  8. Security is the most important aspect of any application specially when you are dealing with financial intuitions, even the best of the architecture is good-for-nothing if is is not secure. This is the link of top 10 Security vulnerabilities provided by Open Web Application Security Project, a non-profit charitable organization and elaborated with solution by Troy Hunt: OWASP Top 10 for .NET developers part 1: Injection : (Series Article) , same is available for download as pdf eBook from  :

This list is open for comments, so go ahead and suggest me if you have good links which I can add to my top 8 and in the same line. Thanks.


Monday, 12 November 2012

Free Microsoft Learning Events by Microsoft Learning Partners

Click on the link below to find some of the third-party events where you can learn about Microsoft technologies.

Microsoft Tech Showcase: Technology events hosted by Microsoft Learning Partners

You can search events based on your technology, country, City/Province, Online/In Person events, From Date, To Date and name of the partners. These events will help you to boost your careers, learn new technologies, etc all free of cost.


Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 (70-480) Free Examination Voucher

Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3. It's your chance to assess your skills, validate your knowledge, and prove your HTML5 chops. More importantly, it's your first step toward earning our industry's first and only certification for HTML5 expertise: Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD). MCSD certification is proof positive to employers and peers that your code skills are second to none.

How to take free examination

Go to and follow the steps to schedule Exam 70-480: Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript and CSS3 at a testing centre near you.

Use the voucher code HTMLJMP to get the free exam. Pass, and you'll be well on your way to joining the community of elite MCSD developers.

Developing HTML5 Apps Jump Start Free Online Course

Go to and enroll in the JumpStart online course, which covers HTML5 development using JavaScript and CSS3, and sharpens your Windows app development skills.

Download free eBook (Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML, CSS and JavaScript)


Debugging .NET code using Devices(iPad/iPhone) and Fiddler

While working on programs which are targeted for devices (mobile, tablets, etc) we often face a situation where we feel that just device simulators are not enough I wish if I could run my programs in debug mode using the physical device. And this scenario often arises because personally I too faced a scenario where I was able to run my website on the simulator without any issues but the same was not working as expected on the physical device.

So in this post I am going to show you how to debug the .NET codes using apple iPhone or iPad. To do this  you

  • First need to configure Desktop or Laptop computer where you are running your .NET code
  • Second Configure Devices iPhone or iPad

There are few perquisites which are required

  1. Of course a apple (iPhone or iPad) device which can be used to debug the codes, you can also use Andriod phones but ad hoc connections are not supported by default on Andriod phone.
  2. WiFi enabled on your PC with administrator privileges, you can either enable you Internet connection sharing on WiFi network or created a ad hoc network, details of which I am going to mention later.
  3. If you are going for ad hoc network you may need a proxy server installed on your PC, here I am going to use Fiddler, you can download from here:
  4. Visual Studio installed, I am going to use Visual Studio 2012 in this article, but this post holds good for any version of Visual Studio as long as it can support debugging.

In this post I am going to show connecting using iPhone/ iPad using ad hoc network using my Fiddler.

Now lets get started step by step starting from configuring my system to configuring the phone device.

Creating a ad hoc network

  1. Open Network and Sharing Centre (Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network and Sharing Center).
  2. Go to Manage wireless network –> Add, this will open a Popup screen where either you can Manually create a network profile or you can Create an ad hoc network


3. Once you get the following screen, you can enter the name of the ad hoc network of your choice, select WEP as Security type, give the Security key and select the checkbox to Save the network, as given in the screen below.


Now you system is almost ready to accept incoming connection through the wireless network devices, just make sure your wireless is turned on, go to the taskbar network icon and open the window, this will display the newly created ad hoc network by you as Waiting for users. 


Now since your network is ready to accept incoming connections I am going to set up my proxy server where I am going to use Fiddler. To configure Fiddler open the fiddler in your system, Go to Tools –> Fiddler Options –> Navigate to Connections Tab select the check boxes as given in the screenshot below and leave the port as default 8888 if not already in use in your system, this can be changed as required.


Now since your system is ready for device connection, the only thing left is configuring your device. To configure your device follow the following steps.

In your iPhone or iPad first go to Cellular Data settings this is applicable if you are using your network provider internet connection. Once you open this Cellular Data tab in your device, disable the cellular data as given in the screen below..


Now its time to configure your Network Settings in iPad and iPhone



In the screen above you have to configure your device to use Static IP Address, with the IP Address which should be in the same network address and subnet address. You just need to give some unused class D address which should be different from your system to which this is connecting. You can check your system IP Address of Wireless LAN adapter using ipconfig command in command prompt. This IP address will be the IP Address of the device (iPad/iPhone).

Now go to the HTTP Proxy settings on the same page below of device network settings, select the proxy settings as Manual. In the Server you have to enter the correct IP Address of the wireless LAN adapter of your system (Desktop/Laptop), enter the port which was configured on Fiddler as given in the fiddler settings above.

Once you have completed these settings your device is also ready to connect to the System. Once connected you can see the status as connected instead of Waiting for users in ad hoc network.

Now once everything looks fine, you can go ahead and first run the application in debug mode in your system, once your application opens in the web browser you can get the URL address on which your application is ready for debug. As per my convenience I have used a MVC application for debugging, but you can use any other types of web application also.


Enter the Same URL (http://localhost:35510/) in your device. I have kept a line of code which gives me the UserAgent from where the request is coming from.

string userAgent = HttpContext.Request.UserAgent;

Following are the screens which I get in iPad and iPhone respectively

iPhoneDevice4   iPadDevice2 

Now if I go and set the breakpoint in the code, I can see the user agent which clearly shows the requested client user agent.



In the above two screens you can see the user agent browser as Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone…) and Mozilla/5.0 (iPad…) for iPhone and iPad respectively.

Note: IP addresses are used in this article are just for illustration only, this is not directly or indirectly related to any existing IP address used anywhere in existence.

Hope this helps.


Friday, 2 November 2012

Visual Studio 2012 Team Foundation Service

Almost most of us who work in our personal systems often face challenges when it comes to learn something on Team Foundation Server, because the biggest challenges we face is setting up the environment, acquiring the server license, configuring the environment, setting up the client applications, etc.

So we have to depend on our office environment where we can learn something on TFS. But still we have limited privileges and we cannot experiment with so many uncovered features which we had always wished for while learning through books or website or MSDN.

Ok, having said all these let me give you some good news, Visual Studio has launched much awaited Cloud based Team Foundation Server Service for Visual Studio, Eclipse, Xcode environments with the following brilliant features and top of those free to learn, experiment and of-course for business too.

  • Team Collaboration and Agile Planning,
    • Built-in task board
    • Backlog management
    • Capacity planning
    • Issue and Bug tracking
    • Integrated feedback requests
    • Storyboarding with Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Build, Test, Deploy
    • Track build health over time
    • Continuous delivery to Azure
  • Cloud powered source code management
    • Code reviews
    • Code merging for check-in conflicts
    • Context management preserves your focus

and much more…

with no infrastructure required to manage, accessible from anywhere, supporting almost all the languages and platforms.


And the icing on the cake is this is Free to use, you just need to signup using this link

Once you sign-up for Team foundation service has got all the required resources to help you to learn the TFS features and offerings. Team Foundation Service getting started guide will help you to learn almost everything you need to know about this service like:

  • Connect to TFS (using Visual Studio, Eclipse, and Xcode)
  • Uploading your code
  • Check files in and out
  • Get your Code Reviewed using TFS environment
  • Creating and running a unit test manually or automatically with local builds
  • Using other unit test frameworks
  • Use Git and VS with TFS

Free plan of TFS will cover the following features


For additional users, pricing you can visit the following links for other service plans you may have to wait till 2013.

Happy Learning !!!


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Better way to Integrate Facebook Like Button

If you are developing a website and you must integrate with social networks sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google plus to reach more people. I strongly believe Facebook is the new virtual world to increase your product sales and generating web traffic. In this post I want to explain a simple tip, that how to integrate Facebook like button in optimizing way for just adding few FBML META tags.

Facebook Like Button.
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Monday, 22 October 2012

Login with Facebook and Google.

Introducing the new FGlogin commercial edition, an OAuth login system for your website with Facebook and Google. FGLogin is very quick and powerful, sure this helps you to increase your web project registrations. It's definitely a must have login system for every PHP based web projects. Hardly it will take 5 mins for installation.

Login with Facebook and Google.
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Thursday, 11 October 2012

MySQL Event Scheduler

If you are running a large public web applications like shopping and emails portals, you have handle lots of unwanted data rows for example spam emails and unused shopping cart data. Sure it will created problem in database overload. So that I want to explain a simple tip called how to use MySQL event scheduler for deleting unwanted data rows from database.

RESTful Web Services with input parameters
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Monday, 8 October 2012

RESTful Web Services JSON API Transformer with Java

This post is the continuation of my previous last post, I had explained how to create a basic RESTful web services API using Java, now I want to explain JSON transformer to work with input Get and Post methods parameters. Just added a new class called transformer it converts object data into JSON text output format.

RESTful Web Services with input parameters
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Sunday, 23 September 2012

Login with Google Account OAuth

We covered almost all the Open Authentication (OAuth) login systems for Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and Instagram, but unfortunately I missed most important Google Open Authentication login. Today I want explain how to implement this for your web project, this script is very quick and sure it helps you to increase your web project registrations.

Login with Google Account OAuth.
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Sunday, 16 September 2012

RESTful Web Services API using Java and MySQL

Are you working with multiple devices like iPhone, Android and Web, then take a look at this post that explains you how to develop a RESTful API in Java. Representational state transfer (REST) is a software system for distributing the data to different kind of applications. The web service system produce status code response in JSON or XML format.

RESTful Web Services using Java and MySQL
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Thursday, 13 September 2012

UPrinting Online Printing Service

Every beautiful design looks awesome on a digital screen but to bring the same level of quality out of a digital world into real world is possible only through a fine quality print. This week I am to review UPrinting website. It is a commercial online printing service which provides high quality press print with its robust and easy to use online ordering portal.

UPrinting Online Printing Service
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

AngularJS Meetup Videos from July and August

AngularJS meetups are becoming monthly ritual for many AngularJS developers as well as the core team. Meetups provide an opportunity for the community around AngularJS to get together in various cities and talk about Angular stuff. Starting next month we are going to attempt to stream these events live via Google Hangouts. We still have some technical challenges to solve (it's not as simple as it sounds), but we'd like to open up these meetups to as many of you as possible in real time. In the meantime if you couldn't join us in person, check out these videos.

Rebuilding DoubleClick with AngularJS

More information about the event can be found on the meetup page.
The talk was also presented at our Mountain View meetup.

As a good follow up reading, check out Miško's recent blog post on how DI removes the problems associated with the main() method.

Building an AngularJS App

Back in July at our NYC meetup, we had a presentation on building an app with AngularJS. The famous ToDo app, narrated for your pleasure, including lots of audience questions about some of the core concepts.

More information about the event can be found on the meetup page.

Monday, 10 September 2012

Yeoman and AngularJS

On his blog today, Addy Osmani announced the general availability of Yeoman, a project to help developers simplify the setup process for application development. Yeoman also includes an initial version of AngularJS-specific template generators.

Long ago, we developed angular-seed as our git-based answer to bootstrapping an AngularJS project with a predefined structure and a set of preconfigured development tools. Yeoman removes the git-dependency and adds a set of template generators and many features and tools impossible to achieve within the confines of a git repository.

Our own Brian Ford has been heavily involved in creating these AngularJS template generators, and has written a nice deep-dive blog post to describe how Yeoman and its generators work with AngularJS.

We'd love to hear what you think about the new workflows, to help us decide what needs to be improved in the Yeoman and AngularJS generators. Based on this feedback, we'll iterate quickly to make improvements with the eventual goal of making Yeoman a successor to angular-seed.