After the 1.0 launch a few weeks ago and bit of PR work AngularJS has been gaining more adoption than what we expected. Thank you everybody who took a look and recognized that we are onto something awesome. Many of you have asked about our plans post 1.0, and that's what I'd like to address by rolling out our roadmap for the next few months.
Versioning conventions
- 1.0.x will receive only bug fixes backported from 1.1.x branch and will be supported until 1.2 is released
- 1.1.x will receive features and bugfixes and might contain breaking changes in between minor releases
- 1.2.x will become stable (a bugfix branch) based on the last 1.1.x release
Delivery date
We are targeting the release of 1.2.0 in early to mid September 2012.
Low risk bug fixes and documentation fixes only. Release frequency 2-4 releases per month depending on the number of fixes. Issues currently tracked for 1.0.x train are listed in our issue tracker under the
1.0.x milestone.
All the development happens on the master branch with qualifying fixes being backported to the
branch. Release frequency 4 releases per month. Before we get to implement any of the new features, there are
62 pull requests (most of them very recent) waiting for our review. So our number one priority right now is to clean up the pull request queue as well as our issue tracker. Once that is done, this is what remains:
Big Features:
- Improve error messages and reduce payload size by introducing error rewriting #1041
- Support for animations and transitions in ngRepeat, ngView and ngInclude
- Support for comment-based ngRepeat
Small Features:
- Name all anonymous $watch functions to improve debugability and tooling (Batarang) support
- Ability to reset a form to pristine state
- Add missing ngFocus and ngBlur event handlers
- ng-controller=”Ctrl as c” syntax
- angular-seed + tutorial updates (better structure, Testacular)
Major side projects
- Object.observe() prototype (replace our dirty checking with O.o() )
- Batarang - finish DI instrumentation and deploy the extension to Web Store
- CI server - completely transition from JsTD to Testacular (requires implementing e2e testing proxy in Testacular)
- Server-side pre-rendering prototype
- Closure compiler advanced compilation prototype
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