Monday 4 May 2015

[Video] Build a Cross Platform App with Ionic

Sara Robinson
Sara Robinson
Developer Advocate

Ionic is an HTML5 mobile app SDK that makes it extremely simple to build native-feeling iOS and Android apps with JavaScript. It’s built on top of Cordova and uses AngularJS for its core functionality. I love learning new frameworks, and I’ve been thoroughly impressed with how easy it is to get up and running with Ionic. Since Ionic uses Angular, it’s incredibly simple to wire up with Firebase as the backend.

This screencast will help you dive into mobile web development with Ionic in less than 8 minutes. It assumes you are familiar with the basics of Angular and walks you through building a cross-platform collaborative grocery list application. Check it out below:

I’d like your feedback! If there are features you’d like to see in an upcoming screencast, send me your suggestions on Twitter at @SRobTweets.



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