Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Organizing your Firebase-enabled Android app builds

Doug Stevenson
Doug Stevenson
Developer Advocate

We’re happy to see many developers experimenting with Firebase! Some of you have been transitioning your experiments to production, and that’s raised some questions about how to manage the builds of your Android projects. The most common question goes something like this: "How do I keep my everyday development data separate from my release data?"

We'd all like our analytics to reflect only the actual usage of the app (as opposed to artificial usage during development). Also, it's not useful to see crashes from moment-to-moment development interleaved with those from our publicly released versions. On top of that, as your team grows and your app becomes more complex, you may want to separate each team member’s working space into separate sandboxes so that their work won’t collide with each other.

So, let’s explore some ways to configure your project to best handle these cases. For Android app builds, the preferred path is to take advantage of some configuration features of the Android Gradle plugin. These can be applied alongside some configurations in the Firebase Console.

But before I discuss these configurations, let's get some terminology settled! Here are some terms we'll use:

Firebase project

A project created from the top level of the [Firebase Console]. After creation, it appears as a card here.

Firebase app

An app created within a Firebase project. A Firebase project can contain any number of Android and iOS apps, which appear on the project's home screen. Apps within a project share some configurations with each other, and also have some separate configurations (more on this later).

Android Gradle build type

When the Android Gradle plugin configures your app at build time, it defines, by default, "debug" and "release" build types. These are configured in the buildTypes block, and you can add additional types as needed. The debug type is configured for everyday development, and release is meant for distribution to users.

Android Gradle build flavor

When configuring an Android app at build time, it can optionally be assigned a "build flavor". These are similar to build types, but build flavors allow further independent configurations as needed. For example, you can build both “free” and “paid” versions of your app that are mostly the same, except for some key differences, such as application ID and the features you choose to enable.

Android Gradle build variant

A build variant is a distinct combination of build type and build flavor. In an app build configuration, there is exactly one variant for each possible combination of type and flavor. For example, if you have debug and release types configured, as well as “free” and “paid” flavors configured, the Android Gradle plugin will generate a matrix of variants containing the combinations "debug/free", "debug/paid", "release/free", and "release/paid". Every APK built from your code will be exactly one of these variants.

Android Application ID

A string that identifies an app from other apps. This value must be unique from all other apps when published to the Play Store. This is typically formatted like a Java package name, such as "com.company.project".

The key concept, for effective configuration of an app with Firebase, is to assign a distinct application ID to each build variant of an app that requires its own collection of data. This is something you do in your app's build.gradle first, then mirror in the Firebase Console. But first, to make a decision about configuration that's best for your app, there are some more things you need to know about how the different Firebase features work between your Firebase projects and apps.

Data scoping per Firebase feature

Some Firebase features share their data between all the apps (Android, iOS, and web) within the same project. You could say that the data for these features are "scoped" to an entire Firebase project:

Some Firebase features have independent data for all the apps within the same project. You could say that these features are scoped to the individual apps in your Firebase project:

You'll notice that the dashboards for both Analytics and Crash Reporting have an app selector near the top of their dashboards that let you select the individual app (of all those created in the project) whose data you want to view.

The Analytics dashboard shows an app selector.

Some Firebase features have a hybrid scope, where any number of apps may be affected by a particular operation:

  • Remote Configcan provide different values between apps in a project, but the default is for all apps to get the same value
  • Notificationscan target one or multiple apps within a project - you choose at the console
  • Dynamic Linkscan target a single Android and/or one iOS app
    • The link can decide which to target based on current platform

Firebase Test Lab for Android has its own special case because it requires a project with billing enabled, but it can be used with any APK without any constraint in a single project. So, if you want to develop with Firebase on a free plan, but test the APK using Test Lab on a paid plan, it's recommended to create a whole new project and enable billing just for use of Test Lab. You can test any app in this project, with or without Firebase integrated.

Now, this is a all good to knowledge to have, but why don't we make this more practical with some actual examples? I'll share some recipes for configuration next. The best case for your situation might be one of these exactly, or some hybrid.

Small team, simple app

Let's say you're an individual developer or on a small team, your app is relatively simple, and you just need to separate your analytics and crash reports between your daily debug and published release builds. In this case, it would suffice to configure your app to have a different application ID for debug and release. Here's a bit of a Gradle configuration that might help:

    defaultConfig {
applicationId "com.company.project"
// etc...
buildTypes {
debug {
applicationIdSuffix ".debug"
release {
// etc...

Here, the application ID is "com.company.project", which gets applied to the release build. But the application ID for the debug build becomes "com.company.project.debug". You don't have to use a suffix like this - instead you could specify a whole new value with applicationId.

Then, in the Firebase Console, you would create a single project, and within that project, create two apps, one for each build type. The debug app would use the application ID "com.company.project.debug", and the release app would use "com.company.project". The SHA-1 hashes would also have to reflect the different keys used to sign each build, if you're using Firebase features that require it.

Two apps in a single project, one for debug, the other for release, with different app ids.

After both apps are created, download a google-services.json file from the console and place it into your app. If you look inside that file, you'll notice that both apps will appear in there. The Google Services plugin will figure out which set of configurations to use during the build of each variant.

      "client_info": {
"mobilesdk_app_id": "...",
"android_client_info": {
"package_name": "com.company.project.debug"

"client_info": {
"mobilesdk_app_id": "...",
"android_client_info": {
"package_name": "com.company.project"

google-services.json will contain info for all Android apps in a project.

It's important to know that if this project is on a billing plan, you'll be billed for all bandwidth and storage generated by both apps. So if you're pulling lots of data during development, that may result in additional charges. Be sure to understand the [pricing plans] to plan for this so you're not surprised by the bill.

It's also important to note that, with this configuration, you will be working against all the same data during development as your active users on your fully released app. This may not be the safest thing, if you intend to disrupt your Realtime Database data or experiment with Remote Config values during development!

Large team, safer development

The prior recipe of doing development against your live data may be problematic. If you have a large team with lots of people making unsafe updates to the data, or you generally want to prevent the risk of corrupting production data, you'll need to set up multiple projects to isolate development data from production data. In fact, you could have everyone on the team use their own individual "sandbox" projects on the free tier so they can experiment safely without affecting others or incurring any billing.

To set this up, you don't really need to do anything special in your build.gradle. Everyone can use the same application ID to create an app in their sandbox project. However, they'll each need their own unique debug key to sign with. The Android SDK tools create a unique debug key for each user of the SDK, so normally that shouldn't be a problem. But it should be known that the Firebase Console will not allow an app to be created that has a duplicate pair of application ID and SHA-1 key as any other app in anyproject in any account. So if your team members were sharing a debug key, that won't work with this setup.

The Firebase console won’t allow duplicate combinations of package name and SHA-1.

This arrangement is great to keep everyone isolated, but there's one caveat. Since all the developers will be creating their own project, they may also have to duplicate some configurations to make the project work correctly. For example, the database for a new project may need to be bootstrapped with some useful data. And the correct security rules should be duplicated. Remote Configs may need to created with appropriate values. Authentication may need to be configured as well. And, of course, every developer will need to use the google-services.json file generated for their own project, and should not be checked into source control, in order to avoid conflicts between team members.

Dev, QA, Stage, Prod environment isolation

If you have a situation where you need data isolation between different environments, the best way to set that up is similar to the large team setup above. You'll definitely need to create different projects for each environment. They can all be owned by the same account or by different accounts.

To make it easy to select the environment to build for, you can take advantage of build flavors to configure each version of the app. For example, if you need isolation for development, QA, and production, you could define three build flavors in the productFlavors block, which goes next to the buildTypes block in the app’s build.gradle:

    productFlavors {
dev {
qa {
prod {

Here, we're not indicating that there's anything different between the variants except that they exist separately. They'll all have the same application ID, which is OK. Or you could assign them distinct IDs if that helps your situation. In either case, you'll need to use a flavor-specific directory to contain the google-services.json file from each project. By default, the Android Gradle plugin recognizes the following convention for organizing the directories for each flavor as defined above:

google-services.json (for dev only)
google-services.json (for qa only)
google-services.json (for prod only)

Notice that each named flavor becomes the name of a directory that sits in src adjacent to the main directory where your project code typically lives. With this structure, you can drop the google-services.json for each project directly into its dedicated directory. Now, if you want to build the “dev” flavor of the app, you can select "devDebug" from the build variants window in Android Studio, or target the variant's build task "assembleDevDebug" on the Gradle command line.

Still have questions?

If you have an unusual situation with your app build that isn't really helped by the information here, please don't hesitate to ask a question at the firebase-talkGoogle Group. And, for more urgent support matters, please file an issue on the Firebase Support site. And please follow me on Twitter as CodingDoug!


Sunday, 28 August 2016

FileGator: A Look into The Powerful PHP File Management Tool.

Forget the times of ‘There’s an app for that’, PHP scripts are now all the rage! Everyone wants to build their own little something special on the internet and mark their territory. With what we are witnessing on the internet front has been pretty moving and compelling enough to push us to try a few things ourselves. Thinking of file-sharing service for your friends, family, colleagues or business partners with all your rules? ‘There’s a script for that’!

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Thursday, 25 August 2016

Pirate Metrics (AARRR) with Firebase

Parul Soi
Parul Soi
Developer Relations Program Manager

Generating insights from data and acting upon it appropriately can often make or break a company. In the past few years, the field has grown leaps and bounds with a lot more app developers tracking a lot more events. Yet, truth be told, it’s easy to get overloaded with data and, hence, make it tougher for yourself to find what you were looking for.

So, what metrics should you be tracking to help improve your product?

Analytics is a vast field, with several popular practices and frameworks being employed across the world in every industry. One of the most popular frameworks, particularly in the tech products sector, is Pirate Metrics. The term was coined by Dave McClure, founder of 500 Startups, and is very popular amongst product managers and growth hackers across the world for how it simplifies and breaks down a product’s user lifecycle.

In this post, we’ll cover the five metrics that are collectively called Pirate Metrics and understand their importance. In following posts in the series, we will see how we can use Firebase products to boost these metrics and, hence, build more engaging products.

Stage 1

: The first element in user lifecycle of any product is the acquisition, meaning user install your app. Users are acquired in many different ways, either organically, such as through social media communications, App Store optimization, search, news, content marketing etc., or inorganically which is usually ads.

Stage 2

Congratulations, you have acquired a user! However, your job is less than half done and there is still a need to convince the user that the app is worth keeping around. To give yourself the best chance, you want to activate the user by getting them to experience what makes your app special. For example, a game might want the user to go through a training level or a photo filter application might want the user to experiment with any one image.

Stage 3

The biggest challenge most products face is to retain the users that they acquired. A typical person only uses about 26% of their installed apps daily. People tend to either uninstall or simply forget about the applications they downloaded after the first few days. The goal for any new healthy product is to find a strategy to retain them, and have them keep coming back.

Stage 4

You also want your users to be your biggest advocates. No acquisition strategy is as powerful as an organic, referral campaign. If users love your product, they genuinely want their friends to try it out as well, and you want to really encourage your users to do so, and reduce any friction that might stop a user.

Stage 5

Ultimately, you want to monetize your app in order to grow your company and reach more users.

These five stages - Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue are collectively called Pirate Metrics. These are fairly general and can be applied to most digital products. Product managers use a wide variety of tools to track these different metrics. However, with the new Firebase, not only can you track these in one single place, you can also use the suite of different tools to boost them.

We’ll see how in the coming posts. Stay tuned!


Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Announcing Realtime Exporting of your Analytics Data into BigQuery

Frank van Puffelen
Todd Kerpelman
Developer Advocate

One of Firebase Analytics' most powerful features is the ability for you to view and analyze your Analytics data directly in BigQuery. By linking your Firebase apps with BigQuery, all of your raw, unsampled, app data is exported into BigQuery on a daily basis. This gives you the ability to run powerful ad-hoc queries on your data, combine your Firebase Analytics data with that from other analytics libraries, or run your own custom reporting tools directly on top of your data.

And while this feature is quite popular with developers, it comes with one occasionally-frustrating limitation: You typically have to wait about 24 hours for your daily analytics data to be collected and exported into a BigQuery table. This was often inconvenient from a development-and-testing standpoint. But it also meant that app developers were a little less nimble than they could have been. After all, if your latest A/B test was causing people to abandon your app, wouldn't it be nice to find that out in 20 minutes, rather than 24 hours?

So starting this week, we're happy to announce that you will now be able to see your Firebase Analytics data in BigQuery in near real-time!

Here's how it works: If you've gone ahead and linked up BigQuery with your Firebase project, then Firebase Analytics will, by default, send all of its data to BigQuery as soon as it receives it. In addition to your usual appevents_ tables, there's now a special appevents_intraday_ table that will collect all of your incoming data for that day.

You're welcome to analyze and run queries against this intraday table to your heart's content. It looks just like your other BigQuery analytics tables; the only data you won't find there is lifetime value data and campaign information (the traffic_source record). At the end of the day [1], this data will be moved into its permanent appevents_ home, and the old intraday table will be automatically cleaned up for you.

Of course, BigQuery usage and storage charges still apply. Which does mean that you'll need to upgrade your Firebase project to the Blaze plan in order to receive these benefits. But considering that BigQuery exporting is a feature analytics customers typically had to pay quite a bit of money for in the past, I still think it's a pretty good deal.

If you're new to BigQuery, you can find out more here and start playing around with it. It's fun! Or, as fun as running fast queries against large sets of data gets, I suppose.

[1] This is determined by looking at the developer's time zone.


iOS 10, Xcode 8, and Swift 3, oh my!

Frank van Puffelen
Todd Kerpelman
Developer Advocate

We know that it's important for you to make sure your apps can run on the latest and greatest technology out there. And in the world of iOS development, there's this little release on the horizon called iOS 10 that many of you are excited about supporting with your apps.

Well, we here on the Firebase team also want to make sure your apps are up and running on iOS 10 as soon as it's made available to the general public. So we're going to go over some of the changes that we've included in the latest version (3.5.1) of the Firebase Cocoapod, and let you know about upcoming changes that will affect you as we move into the exciting new world of iOS 10 development.

Dynamic Links, Invites, App Indexing

With the latest version of the Firebase library, we've added support for handling deep links on iOS 10. If your app uses a feature that relies on deep links -- specifically, Dynamic Links, Firebase Invites, and App Indexing -- go ahead and update to the latest version of the library. Rebuild your app (no code changes needed!), and these features should all work properly.

Firebase Analytics

The latest version of the Firebase SDK includes some changes to more accurately track app installs resulting from AdWords search and display ads. If this sounds familiar, it’s because this feature was also included in version 3.3.0 of Firebase, but now we've added support for this on iOS 10 as well. Like the new deep link support, this should work automatically if you rebuild your code with the new library.

Firebase Cloud Messaging

iOS 10 made a lot of exciting changes around notifications, along with new ways for you as a developer to handle incoming user notifications. Specifically, notifications are now handled by methods belonging to the UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol, while the old UIApplicationDelegate methods likeapplication:didReceiveRemoteNotification are now deprecated.

That said, you might notice that the most recent release of the Firebase SDK is still calling the older appDelegate methods. We hope to have support for these new UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate protocol methods soon, so do keep an eye out for any future announcements as we update our libraries.

A Quick Note About Firebase Auth and Xcode 8

We've noticed what seems to be an issue with the latest iOS 10 simulators (up to beta 6 at the time of this writing) that causes Firebase Auth to throw an error due it to not being able to write values to the keychain. This issue does not affect real devices.

We have filed a radar with Apple and are hoping to get this issue resolved shortly, but you may encounter errors when testing Firebase Auth in the simulator. As a workaround, we recommend testing Auth on a physical device running iOS 10. If you do not have access to a real device, you also can try enabling Keychain Sharing in the Capabilities section of your app, as described in this StackOverflowpost.

What about Swift 3?

You might have noticed that the code samples in our documentation still reflect Swift 2.3. With all the changes that are still happening in Swift 3, we've decided to wait until version 3.0 has been officially released before switching over the code samples in our documentation.

Of course, if you're interested in trying out our samples in Swift 3, you can always download our latest sample code and let Xcode's Swift conversion tool convert the samples for you. It does a remarkably good job. And, in the next few days, we'll be creating a specific Swift 3 branch of our sample apps, so you can check out those branches from GitHub and see the source code without having to go through the conversion process.

Send us Feedback!

Obviously, releasing a library to support an operating system that's still in beta is a tricky proposition. Issues may still arise here and there as new versions of iOS 10 are made available, and if they do, we'll try to address them as quickly as we can. So if you encounter an error that seems to be specific to iOS 10, please let us know! Our Google Group is a good place to start.


Thursday, 18 August 2016

Angular Material - 1.1 and 2.x

We promised in March that you'd continue to see updates on the Angular Material 1.x branch, in addition to ongoing bugfix releases.

I'm happy to announce the release of Angular Material 1.1, now available for use with Angular 1.x applications.

We've also added some new faces to the team. Welcome to Erin, Paul, and Kristiyan as new core contributors.  As lead for one of the internal Google projects using Angular, Erin and her team contributed to Angular Material 1.x with architecture designs and implementations for the new <md-nav-bar> and $mdPanel components. Paul and Kristiyan are developers from the open source community who joined the core team just before 1.0, at the end of 2015.

Why should you update from Angular Material 1.0 to 1.1?

With more than 700 commits, the updates in version 1.1 directly improve the responsiveness and stability of Angular Material components. In particular, this release improves the behavior of Tooltip, Progress Indicators, Menu, Select, Chips, and AutoComplete components.

You'll also find new components nav-bar, colors, theme picker, dense layouts for lists, vertical sliders, select-header, and more.

Finally, we've added community-requested features for global-level control over appearance, including disabling themes, layouts, and/or ripples. For full details, see the changelog.

We anticipate that most apps will find it easy to update to 1.1. As part of upgrading, you'll want to check the CSS, colors, and spacings on 1.1, especially if you have applied customizations.

What about Angular 2.x?

Angular Material 2 continues in alpha preview. Since we announced our first alpha release, we've grown from six to eighteen components, and have been using Angular Material 2 as one of the validation tests for each Angular 2 release candidate.

You can see the published components on npm and follow our development progress on GitHub.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Wall Comment System with React JS Part Two

This post is continuation of React JS previous post. React JS is lighter and faster. It needs less coding and as mentioned in the earlier post, React suites best for one page application, front-end and single page websites. The article explains how to post a comment, delete a comment and also toggle(hide/show) a comment using React JS. React JS and Angular JS are two prominent frameworks in JavaScript now-a-days. As its a new series in my blog, I would appreciate for any doubts or your feedback in the comments so that I could explain it to you in a better way.

Social Network System with React JS

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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Social Network System with React JS Part One

How to solve infinity loading either in your desktop or mobile? By now, everyone is familiar with JQuery, but we all know is JQuery cannot handle such large amount of data to load. React JS is the best solution for this problem. JQuery and other libraries interacts directly with DOM to load any data; but React JS is specifically designed in such a way that it has a mid interactive layer called Virtual DOM which in turn interacts with DOM(as shown in the diagram below). This Virtual DOM helps in data loading very faster.

Social Network System with React JS

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Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Sending notifications between Android devices with Firebase Database and Cloud Messaging

Frank van Puffelen
Frank van Puffelen

In this article we will show how to send notifications between Android devices using Firebase Database, Cloud Messaging and Node.js. Since this article was written, we also released Cloud Functions for Firebase, which offers a way to send notifications without requiring a Node.js server. See the documentation on sending notifications with Cloud Functions to learn more.
The Firebase Database is a great back-end for building multi-user mobile applications. Whenever multiple users have the application open, changes that any user makes are synchronized to all other connected users within milliseconds.
A great example of this is a chat application: any message that a user sends is instantly synchronized to other users. That leads to a very smooth chat experience.
But what if one of the users doesn't have the application running on their Android device? That means that the device is not connected to the Firebase Database servers, so it will not receive the changes automatically. This is fine for regular chat messages, but in most chat apps you want to pull the user back in when someone @ mentions them (e.g. "hey @puf, can you help out here?")
For this scenario, you'll typically send a notification to the user's device using Firebase Cloud Messaging. Such a notification will then show up in the notification area of the device, providing a great way to get the user back into the application when an interesting event happens.
In this article, we'll use Firebase Cloud Messaging to deliver the notification to the device. We'll write a Node script that interacts with FCM, so that we don't have to expose our API key on the Android devices. But first: we need to figure out what the code for sending a notification will look like on the Android device itself.

Sending a push notification from the Android app

To send a notification to a user, our Android application does the following:
sendNotificationToUser("puf", "Hi there puf!");
The sendNotificationToUser() method is a helper that we implemented like this:
public static void sendNotificationToUser(String user, final String message) {
Firebase ref = new Firebase(FIREBASE_URL);
final Firebase notifications = ref.child("notificationRequests");

Map notification = new HashMap<>();
notification.put("username", user);
notification.put("message", message);

This is probably not what you expected. This code just writes the notification data to the Database. How is that sending a notification?
It is not. We are using the database as a queue here. Our Android app writes the request to send a notification into the database, where our Node script will pick it up and send the notification through Cloud Messaging. We'll have a look at that script in a minute. First, we want to talk a bit about how we structured the data for this application.

Data structure

Just like with any application, the data structure is probably one of the most important parts of your Firebase-backed application. We've already seen the data structure for sending notifications:
message: "Hello there"
username: "puf"
This is the node that our Android application was writing to. Each notification request consists of the message that we're sending and the name of the user we're notifying. How we're mapping the username to an actual notification depends a bit on your application. But in this case, we're going to use topic based notification: a username is mapped to a topic /topics/user_. So in my case the message will be sent to (and the Android application will subscribe to) /topics/user_puf.
Now it's about time we get to the Node code I've been talking about.

Node code

Now that we know how the Android app writes a notification request into the database, and we know what the database structure looks like, it's time to write the code that will actually be sending the notifications.
This is going to be a Node process, which runs on a trusted environment, such as a Google App Engine Flexible Environment. The node script monitors the notification queue that we saw above. For every child that is added to this queue, it extracts the necessary information and then calls the Cloud Messaging REST API to send the notification. If that succeeds, it removes the notification request from the queue.
var firebase = require('firebase-admin');
var request = require('request');

var API_KEY = "..."; // Your Firebase Cloud Messaging Server API key

// Fetch the service account key JSON file contents
var serviceAccount = require("path/to/serviceAccountKey.json");

// Initialize the app with a service account, granting admin privileges
credential: firebase.credential.cert(serviceAccount),
databaseURL: "https://<your database>.firebaseio.com/"
ref = firebase.database().ref();

function listenForNotificationRequests() {
var requests = ref.child('notificationRequests');
requests.on('child_added', function(requestSnapshot) {
var request = requestSnapshot.val();
function() {
}, function(error) {

function sendNotificationToUser(username, message, onSuccess) {
url: 'https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type' :' application/json',
'Authorization': 'key='+API_KEY
body: JSON.stringify({
notification: {
title: message
to : '/topics/user_'+username
}, function(error, response, body) {
if (error) { console.error(error); }
else if (response.statusCode >= 400) {
console.error('HTTP Error: '+response.statusCode+' - '+response.statusMessage);
else {

// start listening
For more information on accessing Firebase from a server, see how to set up the Firebase Admin SDK. If you're new to running your own node.js script on a server, learn more about running node.js on Google Cloud Platform. To learn how to send notifications without requiring a Node.js server, see the documentation on sending notifications with Cloud Functions.
Since we're listening for child_added events, we'll end up calling sendNotificationToUser() for each notification request in the queue. If sending succeeds, we remove the request from the queue. There is no auto-retry in this simple script, so it will only retry failed notifications when you restart the script. For a more scalable approach, consider using our firebase-queue library.
You've probably also noticed that we have an API_KEY constant in the script. That is the key that we got from Firebase Cloud Messaging to be able to send message. It is also the exact reason why we don't want to run this code in the Android application itself: knowing the API key opens you up to abuse, since it can be used to send messages on your behalf. By having this key in our Node script on a server, we make sure the users of our Android application can't get at it.

Receiving a notification in the Android app

The code for Android is pretty minimal, thanks to the way the Firebase Cloud Messaging SDK handles notification messages. When it receives a notification message while the app is in the background, it displays a message in the system notification area. When the user clicks the message, it automatically opens the app. This type of re-engagement is exactly what we want for this app, so we really only have to include the Firebase Messaging library and subscribe to the topic of our user name.

Subscribe to the topic

We are using a topic that matches our user name to ensure we get messages that are meant for this user.
String username = "puf";
We've hard-coded the username in this snippet, since it depends on your app. But you can see that once you've determined the user name, all it takes to register for notifications (and display them when the app is backgrounded) is a single line of code.
If you'd also like to handle the notification when your app is in the foreground or would like to send more data along with the message, read the documentation about Firebase Cloud Messaging and its message types.


This post shows how you can send push notifications to an Android application using Firebase and a Node script. We've sent the notification from Android code, but could just as easily send them from any other application that can access the Firebase Database. Adding iOS support is easy too: just add the dependency and register for remote notifications.

Tuesday, 9 August 2016

Angular 2 RC5 - NgModules, Lazy Loading and AoT compilation

Today we’re publishing Angular 2 RC5 - including:
  • Support for @NgModule decorators
  • FormsModule, RouterModule, and Material Design modules make it easier to use these libraries
  • Ahead-of-time (AoT) compilation for components and services
  • Lazy-loading support for the router


@NgModule is a new decorator added in RC5 that provide a number of useful features for both Angular’s core and developer ergonomics. Check out the new docs here.

Basic NgModule usage looks like this:
imports: [ BrowserModule ],
declarations: [ MyComponent ],
bootstrap: [ MyComponent ]
class MyAppModule {}

This decorator tells Angular two important things about your application:
declarations tell angular that `MyComponent` belongs to the `MyAppModule`
bootstrap advises angular that when it creates this module at startup, we want to automatically bootstrap `MyComponent` into the DOM.

To really understand what `NgModules` provide though, it’s worth understanding a bit deeper how Angular works under the hood, specifically in regards to compilation.


At the heart of Angular 2 is our compiler. The compiler’s job is to take components and services written by developers and turn them into instructions to the browser to interact with your application.

At a high level, the compiler takes a Component like this:

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: '<div>Hello {{name}}</div>'
class MyComponent {
name = ‘Sally’

and produces a ComponentFactory that looks (simplified) like this:

class MyComponentFactory {
  //creates the initial UI state
    const parentRenderNode = this.renderer.createViewRoot(nativeDOMElement);
    this._text_0 = this.renderer.createText(parentRenderNode,'\n   ',null);
    this._el_1 = this.renderer.createElement(parentRenderNode,'div',null);
    this._text_2 = this.renderer.createText(this._el_1,'',null);
    this._text_3 = this.renderer.createText(parentRenderNode,'\n\n ',null);
//updates the UI state
    const currVal_0:any = utils.interpolate(1,'Hello ',this.context.name,'');
    if (utils.checkBinding(throwOnChange,this._expr_0,currVal_0)) {
this._expr_0 = currVal_0;

A ComponentFactory then, is simply the wrapper around the instructions that update the DOM based on your data. In pretty much every Angular 2 application written so far, this has happened behind the scenes transparently, right before your application starts up. We’ve referred to this as “dynamic” compilation in the past - our official term is “Just in Time (JIT)” compilation.
From the beginning, part of the design for Angular 2 was to enable this process to happen Ahead of Time (AoT) - that is, as a build step, when building your application. Roughly 60% of Angular’s code size is the compiler which does this work, so enabling AoT compilation means you don’t have to ship that code to your users, which gives a huge savings in bytes over the wire. Additionally, because the work is happening ahead of time, your users see dramatically decreased startup times for your app, because the compilation work doesn’t have to be done before the app can start.

So how does this work? For Angular to assemble a factory for each component, it examines your templates and looks for custom components (`my-foo-widget`), directives ( *ngFor, *ngIf, etc ), pipes ( someObservable | async ). It does this by looking up tags and selectors against a known list of these features.

We refer to this environment as the compiler’s context -  the suite of components, directives, and pipes that are available to angular as it is parsing your applications templates. Context is the reason, historically, you’ve had to add the components, directives and pipes to every component you’ve written:
  selector: ‘my-component’,
  template: ‘my-component.html’,
  directives: [ SomeComponent, SomeOtherComponent ],
  pipes: [ MyMagicPipe ]
class MyComponent {}

If you’ve written any Angular 2 code at all though, you’ve probably asked yourself “but WHY do I have to list all these things!?” - especially if you’ve noticed that certain directives and pipes in Angular 2 are “special” - they’re available to your entire application without you doing anything ( *ngFor / *ngIf / *ngSwitch, for example). Good news for people who’ve asked that question - NgModules solve this confusion and significantly reduce the amount of boilerplate it takes to write an Angular application. For example - an application that wanted to use the router and Material Design might look like this:

import {Component} from ‘@angular/core’
import {MD_BUTTON_DIRECTIVES} from ‘@angular-material2/button’
import {MD_SIDENAV_DIRECTIVES} from ‘@angular-material2/sidenav’
import {MD_CARD_DIRECTIVES} from ‘@angular-material2/card’
import {provideRouter, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES} from ‘@angular/router’
  selector: ‘my-component’,
  providers: [ provideRouter(routeConfig) ],
  directives: [
class MyComponent {}

Quite a bit of boilerplate here, which would then need to be repeated in every component you want to use those directives in - which can get quite repetitive. By contrast, the same application using @NgModules would look like this:
import {Component} from ‘@angular/core’
import {MdButtonModule} from ‘@angular-material2/button’
import {MdSideNavModule} from ‘@angular-material2/sidenav’
import {MdCardModule} from ‘@angular-material2/card’
import {RouterModule} from ‘@angular/router’
  imports: [

class MyAppModule {}

At first glance, this might not seem all that different. The important difference is that now, *any* Component that belongs to this module now has access to *everything* imported into the Module, so building a Component that uses the router and material design now looks like
  selector: ‘my-component’,
  templateUrl: ‘my-component.html’
class MyComponent {}

Note the distinct lack of repeated declarations of Components, Pipes, and Directives. This gets better and better as your application grows, and makes the entire Angular 2 experience much nicer. As your application grows, `NgModules` allow you to organize and pass around chunks of functionality at the module level, without large amounts of overhead and unofficial conventions (MY_RANDOM_THING_PROVIDERS).

 Essentially, NgModules provide the context the compiler needs to do its’ work, without the overhead of repeatedly declaring that context in every place you want to make it available. AoT Compile - because an NgModule now makes it easy to provide the context necessary for compilation, Angular’s AoT compiler works well - this functionality is included in RC5, and documentation on how to use it is forthcoming.

At a high level, @angular/compiler-cli provides a wrapper around Typescript’s `tsc` compiler, and both AoT compiles your application’s code, and then transpiles your application’s Typescript to Javascript:
$ ngc -p src

This generates a new file for each component and module ( called an NgFactory ), and to run your app in AoT mode, all that’s required is changing your main.ts file from
import {platformBrowserDynamic} from ‘@angular/platform-browser-dynamic’
import {MyAppModule} from ‘./app’

import {platformBrowser} from ‘@angular/platform-browser’
import {MyAppModuleNgFactory} from ‘./app.ngfactory’ //generated code

Lazy Loading In addition to enabling AoT compilation and generally improving the developer experience of Angular2, NgModules enable a simple way to lazy load pieces of your application via the router. A simple example illustrates this:
import {RouterModule} from ‘@angular/router’
import {NgModule} from ‘@angular/core’
declarations: [ MyComponent, MyHomeRoute ],
bootstrap: [ MyComponent ],
imports: [
{ path: ‘home’, component: MyHomeRoute },
{ path: ‘lazy’, loadChildren: ‘./my-lazy-module’ }
class MyAppModule {}

You simply define a `loadChildren` property on a route, and Angular will go fetch the module at that location and load the routes defined in it into the router config.
import {RouterModule} from ‘@angular/router’
import {NgModule} from ‘@angular/core’

declarations: [ MyLazyHome, MyLazyChild ],
imports: [
  { path: ‘’, component: MyLazyHome },
{ path: ‘a’, component: MyLazyChild }
class MyLazyModule {}

You can additionally define a guard to protect the loading of child modules, which makes it perfect for controlling access to application functionality via user authentication or configuration.

RC5 deprecations 

While we made some significant changes in RC5, we’ve been careful to make sure it shouldn’t break any existing applications - most apps should just work with an upgrade to RC5. Because NgModules now provide a much cleaner and simpler way to declare the things your applications needs to run, we’ve deprecated and will remove for 2.0.0-final the need to declare directives, pipes and components in individual components, in favor of doing so at the NgModule level. For simple applications, migrating to NgModules syntax will generally involve tweaking your bootstrap file, and deleting a significant amount of repetitive boilerplate code in your components.

We’ve provided a migration guide here to guide you through it.


RC5 represents our expected public API for our 2.0.0 release, including router and forms APIs, and introduces some major improvements in how angular applications are written and compiled. We plan to spend the next few weeks optimizing Angular’s core for build tooling and tree-shakeablility, providing documentation and guidance on building for production, and tackling any issues that surface with RC5. Stay tuned - we’re almost there!

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Importing the Mobile Ads SDK with Firebase

alt="Andrew Brogdon">
Andrew Brogdon
DPE for Mobile Ads

The transformation of Firebase into a unified mobile platform brought with it new Gradle artifacts and CocoaPods that mobile developers can use to import the Mobile Ads SDK. With these additions, there are now several alternatives for each platform. Thanks to your feedback, we wanted to share a little more information about which ones we recommend and what libraries they include, so here's a quick run-down.

Android & Gradle

firebase-ads (recommended)

This is the best way to get the Mobile Ads SDK into your project. With the firebase-ads artifact, you get everything you need to load and display ads from AdMob, DFP, or AdX, plus Firebase Analytics built in. You'll also be ready to add the client components for any other Firebase services you want to use, like firebase-crash or firebase-config. Unless you have a specific need to use the SDK without Firebase, this is your jam.

If you'd like to see a screencast of how to get up and running with AdMob using firebase-ads, check out this episode of the Firecasts series:


For those not using Firebase, this Gradle artifact contains the Mobile Ads SDK on its own. You'll get the client code for AdMob, DFP, and AdX, but no Firebase services.


This is the full Google Play services client, also without Firebase. This gives you not only the Mobile Ads SDK, but all the other Google Play services SDKs as well: Maps, Drive, Fit, and so on. Since you're probably not using every API that Play services offers, it's better to import them individually. If you need mobile ads and Play games, for example, just include play-services-ads and play-services-games.


The SDK team developed this new Gradle artifact for a very specific use-case. It contains a slimmed-down version of the Mobile Ads SDK designed to work only on devices that have Google Play services installed. If reducing app size is extremely important for you, this can help lessen the impact of the Mobile Ads SDK, but it won't be able to load and display ads on devices that don't have Play services. Make sure you're intimately familiar with your app's install base before considering this tradeoff, and see the Lite SDK guide for more details.

iOS & CocoaPods

Firebase/AdMob (recommended)

This is the Firebase CocoaPod for AdMob and the Mobile Ads SDK. While it's labelled as "AdMob," this pod gives you the iOS client code for DFP and AdX as well. You'll get everything you need to load and display ads from all three sources, plus Firebase Analytics built in. This CocoaPod is also easy to combine with any other Firebase pods your app needs, like Firebase/Crashand Firebase/Database. For most developers, this is the one you want.

The Firecasts series has an episode that shows how to import AdMob and Firebase into an app using Firebase/AdMob, so check that out for a detailed screencast:


For developers not yet using Firebase, this pod contains just Mobile Ads SDK. You get everything necessary to show ads from AdMob, DFP, and AdX, but no Firebase services.


This is an older, alternate CocoaPod for the Mobile Ads SDK that should no longer be used. Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK is the better choice if you aren't using Firebase.

More Info

If you've got questions about Firebase and the best ways to get started, the Firebase support page also has a bunch of options that can help. If you've got technical questions about the Mobile Ads SDK itself, you're welcome to stop by the SDK support forum.
