Monday 14 November 2016

Angular 2.2.0 Now Available

Angular version 2.2.0 - is now available. This is a minor release following our announced adoption of Semantic Versioning, meaning that it contains no breaking changes and that it is be a drop-in replacement for 2.1.x.

What's new?
  • You can now AOT compile your Angular 2 Components and Modules when using @angular/upgrade. Check out the upgrade guide on our docs site.
  • We've added features to the router to assist with version 1.x to 2.x migrations.
  • Code generated from AOT compilation (NgFactories) will now be smaller in cases with large numbers of forms. We will continue to improve the size of generated code over time.
  • We've added guides on using Angular with ES5 and ES6/7.

For the complete list of features and bugfixes please see the changelog.


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