Monday, 12 June 2017

Angular 4.2 Now Available

Angular version 4.2 has been released. This is a minor release following our announced adoption of Semantic Versioning, meaning that it contains no breaking changes and that it is a drop-in replacement for 4.x.x.

What's new?
  • Angular Forms now includes validators for min and max attributes
  • You can now bootstrap a component directly by passing an element reference to the bootstrap method of an ApplicationRef
  • Improved i18n tooling including MissingTranslationStrategy and location notes in xliff2 files
  • We've begun laying the foundation for testing AOT components, which will become possible in a future release
  • New compiler flag alwaysCompileGeneratedCode is available opt-in, and will be turned on by default in the future

For the complete list of features and bugfixes please see the changelog.

Angular Animations
We've added a huge number of new features to make working with Animations easier and more powerful. Some of these features were previewed at ng-conf 2017.

  • Configure options and set input variables within animations
  • Define reusable animations using animation()
  • Query for inner elements within animations using query()
  • Stagger multiple elements within an animation using stagger()
  • Enable queried elements to trigger their own animations
  • Orchestrate a full-blown animation when routes change
  • Programmatically build/control an animation using AnimationBuilder
A new
Today we are also releasing a new website! We've rebuilt the site's infrastructure, architecture, and design using Angular under the hood. The site has the same content as before, but now the code and content live directly in the angular/angular repo under aio.

This site is the first step of a journey in two ways. First, we hope this rebuild will make it easier to accept public contributions to our documentation in the future. We're in the process of refactoring many of our documentation pages, and are excited to get your feedback and improvements after these changes launch. We're planning on adding an inline link to "improve this doc" on every page which will take you directly to GitHub where you can suggest changes.

Second, we hope that in in the future this site will serve as an example of some of the best practices for building Angular applications. Today the site is a Progressive Web Application and includes a Service Worker that increases repeat load performance.


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