Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Firebase Dev Summit 2017 in Amsterdam!

Frank van Puffelen
Frank van Puffelen
We're excited to announce that the registration for the Firebase Dev Summit is opening today!

Please join us in Amsterdam on October 31st for a day of talks, codelabs, and office hours, as well as (of course) an after-party.

I had a blast at last year's Dev Summit in Berlin

Three months ago, thousands of developers joined us at Google I/O to hear about improvements to the Firebase platform, like Performance Monitoring, Phone Authentication, and our newly open sourced SDKs. We haven't slowed down since then and now we're excited to bring the Firebase and Fabric teams to Amsterdam to talk about a bunch of new announcements, as well as hear your feedback on how we can improve Firebase to help you build even more extraordinary experiences for your users.

Registration is now open, but keep in mind that space will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis, so make sure to request an invitation today.

What is the Firebase Dev Summit?

The Firebase Dev Summit is full day event for app developers that will focus on solving core infrastructure and growth challenges in app development. We'll have deep dive sessions, as well as introductory overviews, so all levels of Firebase familiarity are welcome!

We also want you to get your hands dirty with Firebase. You'll get a chance to put your new knowledge into practice with instructor-led codelabs, as well as ask our team any questions you have at our #AskFirebase lounge.

The day isn't just about us talking to to you, though. Our product managers and engineering team (including me!) are excited to meet you in person and hear your feedback about what is and isn't working in Firebase. Our community is what makes Firebase great, so we couldn't be more excited to get your help in shaping the future of Firebase.

As a native Dutchie, I'm thrilled that we'll be combining two of my favorite things at the Dev Summit this year: Firebase & The Netherlands! If you'll be traveling to Amsterdam for the conference, I highly recommend you stay an extra day. Take a canal tour, visit one of the many museums, rent a bike, or just take a stroll and say hi to a local. We're friendly, I promise :-).

We're looking forward to meeting you in person. Dank je en tot gauw!



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